California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association
Promoting and protecting California’s agriculture, the environment, and an equitable marketplace since 1880..
Recent News
CACASA Endorses Congressman Jim Costa as Ranking Member of U.S. House Committee on Agriculture
The California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association (CACASA) has announced its support for Congressman Jim Costa (CA-21) for the position of Ranking Member of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture.
CACASA Presents “Champions Award” to California Assemblymember Diane Papan
The California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association (CACASA) honored Assemblymember Diane Papan (D-San Mateo) with its first-ever “Champions Award” during the organization’s Fall Conference held in Sacramento in October.
State’s Pesticide Law Enforcers Encouraged by Latest Air Monitoring Report
The association representing California’s Agricultural Commissioners who enforce pesticide regulations throughout the state is encouraged by a new air monitoring report issued by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) which found no detectable pesticides in 95 percent of air samples collected.
The California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association (CACASA) is a voluntary organization comprised of County Agricultural Commissioners and County Sealers of Weights and Measures from California’s 58 counties.
CACASA provides the venue for collaborative opportunities to address matters of statewide significance that affect California’s agricultural production, its natural resources, marketing, food safety, equity, and public health as it relates to our environment.
County Crop Reports
Annual crop year reports have been reproduced for your convenience. Export reports are typically published within the corresponding crop year report. While data is made available throughout the year, crop year and export reports are published typically about one year following the given crop year.

By the Numbers 2021*
The State of California houses the largest agriculture industry in the US with over
in production.
California has the most diverse set of crops in the nation with over
farms and ranches.
of all fruit and nut crop production in the US are grown in California, representing
Billion in value
of all vegetable crops in the US are grown in California, representing
Billion in value
California’s top-10 valued commodities for the 2021 crop year are*:
1. Dairy Products, Milk – $7.57 billion
2. Grapes – $5.23 billion
3. Almonds – $5.03 billion
4. Cattle and Calves – $3.11 billion
5. Strawberries – $3.02 billion
6. Pistachios — $2.91 billion
7. Lettuce – $2.03 billion
8. Tomatoes – $1.18 billion
9. Walnuts – $1.02 billion
10. Rice – $1.0 billion
acres of farm and ranch land in California
acres - average size of farm in California
* Based on CDFA/USDA NASS California Agricultural Statistics Review, 2021-2022 published March 2023.

P.O. Box 2205
Hanford, CA 93232
(209) 712-7120