National Weights and Measures Week – March 1-7

National Weights and Measures Week – March 1-7

The year 2020 began on a hopeful note – as all new years do. Very soon, however, it transformed into the year that introduced a “new normal” to the world as we know it. That’s why this year’s theme for the U.S. National Weights and Measures Week (March 1 – 7, 2021) is...
Get Ready for California Healthy Soils Week, Nov 30 – Dec 5

Get Ready for California Healthy Soils Week, Nov 30 – Dec 5

Next week, beginning Nov. 30, is California Healthy Soils Week, a series of events that highlights soil health and culminates on United Nations’ World Soil Day, Saturday Dec. 5. To kick off the week, CDFA Secretary Karen Ross will provide opening remarks via video...
Some Unsolicited Seeds Identified

Some Unsolicited Seeds Identified

By N’dea Yancey-Bragg, USA Today The U.S. Department of Agriculture has identified 14 kinds of seeds in the mysterious packages that appear to have been sent unsolicited to people around the country. All 50 states have issued warnings about the packages, some of which...