July 19, 2022
Del Norte County
Job Type


Under direction, to supervise, assign, coordinate, review, and participate in the work of an assigned group of Agricultural and Standards Inspectors; to provide staff training; to make inspections and enforce provisions of the California Code of Regulations, California Food and Agricultural Code, and the California Business and Professions Code relating to pest control and to the inspection, standardization, and quarantine of agricultural products; to perform specialized assignments; and to do related work as required.

Examples of Duties

Supervises, assigns, coordinates, reviews, and participates in the work of an assigned group of Agricultural and Standards Inspectors; provides supervision and training to assigned staff; assigns and evaluates staff work; ensures adherence to appropriate policies and procedures; oversees and participates in the preparation, completion, and maintenance of a variety of records and reports; prepares reports and necessary correspondence; maintains specialized information and records required by Department functions; assists with budget development, preparation, and expenditure control; provides special assistance with Department administrative functions; may inspect fruits, nuts, vegetables, honey, eggs, or other agricultural commodities in markets, packing houses, and storage areas for compliance with regulations related to standards, grades, and spray residues; issues certificates of inspection; may order reconditioning or destruction of produce deemed to be below minimum standards; inspects plants and trees in nurseries and those arriving or being shipped by common carrier for evidence of disease, pests, or noxious weed seeds; inspects agricultural commodities being shipped to ensure that they are free from injurious insects or plant disease; issues permits; inspects apiaries; examines fields, orchards, roadways and cultivated areas to determine the location and extent of rodent, weed, bird, insect, predator, and plant disease infestations; assists with the eradication and control of plants, weeds, rodents, birds, and other pests; enforces laws related to preventing the introduction and spread of pests; enforces laws related to preventing the introduction and spread of pests; may certify or specify treatment of agricultural products as a condition of movement or shipment; inspects seeds, seed shipments, and cleaning devices for compliance with standardization requirements; may operate trucks and other equipment; gathers information for annual crop reports; prepares correspondence pertaining to administrative actions and acts as departmental advocate in such proceedings; serves on various San Joaquin Valley area working groups and committees; may have specialized job assignments such as data base development and software application.
Only registered members can apply for jobs.