Mendocino County
County Agricultural Commissioner / Sealer
890 North Bush Street
Ukiah, CA 95482
p: (707) 234-6829
f: (707) 463-0240
About Mendocino County

The county derives its name from Cape Mendocino (most of which is actually located in adjacent Humboldt County), which was probably named in honor of either Antonio de Mendoza, Viceroy of New Spain, 1535–1542 (who sent the Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo Expedition to this coast in 1542), or Lorenzo Suárez de Mendoza, Viceroy from 1580 to 1583. Mendocino is the adjectival form of the family name of Mendoza.
By the Numbers*
Field Crops
Vegetable Crops
Fruit & Nut Crops
Nursery Products
Livestock & Poultry
Livestock Production
County Crop Report
Annual crop year reports have been reproduced for your convenience. Export reports are typically published within the corresponding crop year report. While data is made available throughout the year, crop year and export reports are published typically about one year following the given crop year.

P.O. Box 2205
Hanford, CA 93232
(209) 712-7120