Sonoma County

County Agricultural Commissioner / Sealer
133 Aviation Boulevard
Suite 110
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
p: (707) 565-3837
f: (707) 565-3850
About Sonoma County

The County of Sonoma is comprised of 26 departments and agencies that provide a full range of services to the community. It encompasses over 1600 square miles. Sonoma County government has a history of providing excellent and responsive public service while operating under sound fiscal principles. Sonoma County is located at the threshold between the commerce-driven San Francisco Bay Area and the spectacular beauty of northern California. The county extends over 1,500 square miles with a diverse economy that includes a world-class wine region, stunning natural resources, and dozens of tourist destinations. Sonoma County is home to 493,285 people, with approximately 33 percent of the population residing in Santa Rosa. That city was also recently named as one of the nation’s “most livable communities” by Partners for Livable Communities. Residents all over Sonoma county enjoy a unique quality of life with access to cultural events, an academic community via CSU Sonoma State, economic opportunity, and low crime rates.
By the Numbers*
Field Crops
Vegetable Crops
Fruit & Nut Crops
Nursery Products
Livestock & Poultry
Livestock & Poultry Products
County Crop Report
Annual crop year reports have been reproduced for your convenience. Export reports are typically published within the corresponding crop year report. While data is made available throughout the year, crop year and export reports are published typically about one year following the given crop year.

P.O. Box 2205
Hanford, CA 93232
(209) 712-7120